Department of Machining and Production Technologies
University of Žilina
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina
Phone: +421 41 513 2751
GPS: 49°12'2.77"N 18°45'29.42"E
Legal form
A public institution established by Act No. 131/2002 Coll. of the National Council
of the Slovak Republic, on universities and the amendment of certain laws,
as amended by supplementary regulations, as a public university.
Identification Number (IČO): 00397 563
Tax Identification Number (DIČ): 20 20 67 78 24
VAT Identification Number (IČ DPH): SK 20 20 67 78 24
Bank Connection: State Treasury
Deputy Head for Science and Research
phone: +421 41 513 2780
Deputy Head for Education and Innovations
phone: +421 41 513 2783